
《网络法律评论》 人机共存社会中隐含的开放组织风险 – 评 "开放式机器人"

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2012年 第一届北京大学-斯坦福大学互联网法律与公共政策研讨会


机器人科技将成为继个人计算机、互联网之后下一波具变革性的产业趋势,随着机器人智能科技不断地发展与创新,其最终将呈现”融入人类生活”以及”与人体合二为一”两种景象,人机共存社会的到来将只是时间上的问题。“开放式机器人”从社会实际角度出发试图解决美国本土即将面临的下一代智能机器人产业初期阶段法律问题,同时作者Ryan Calo大胆假设并指出为了满足对使用者的许多承诺,个人机器人对于相关制造商之科技创新必须采取充分开放的态度,然而对于机器人产业的技术开放性尚必须仰赖法律的适当介入才能得以实现。


The Open-Texture Risk for the Human-Robot Co-Existence Society: A Review of Ryan Calo?s OPEN ROBOTICS

Robot Technology will become a transformative industrial trend following Personal Computer and Internet, and with its technology development, it will be presented as ?Emerging Into Human?s Life? as well as ?Integrating Into the Human?s Body?. In other words, the Human-Robot Co-Existence Society will be a promising future. The article ?Open Robotics? tries to solve the emerging legal problem that the United States will soon face when its next generation robots industry develops at the initial stage. The author Ryan Calo argues that in order to fulfill many promises for the consumers, the Personal Robots platform have to adopt a relatively open attitude towards technical innovation of the robotics industry. However, the achievement of technical openness for the robot industry relies on the law.

Robot Law, Robot Safety, Open-Texture Risk, Selective Immunity

《科技与法律》 期刊 - 中国科技法学会, 北京大学法学院主办:
汽车智能化的道路:智能汽车、自动驾驶汽车安全监管研究 - 翁岳暄,(德)多尼米克?希伦布兰德

《网络法律评论》 期刊 - 北京大学出版社:
人类-机器人共存的安全性:新ISO 13482服务型机器人安全标准 - 翁岳暄,(英)G.S. Virk, 杨书评
云计算问责视角下的合同问题与等级服务协议 - 翁岳暄
Law via the Internet: 为何中国没有LII? - 翁岳暄, (意)Giovanni Sartor, (意)Giuseppe Contissa, (意)Enrico Francesconi, (意)Ginevra peruginelli
人机共存社会中隐含的开放组织风险:评 "开放式机器人" - 翁岳暄
